Haemocytometry Counting Chambers 血細胞計數盤
Pattern | Burker | |
Description | Counting Chamber | |
Key features | Burker Couting Chamber 0.1mm, for Haemoglobin and Lucocyte counts in bands. | |
Order code | 02C00626 |
Pattern | Improved Neubauer | |
Description | Counting Chamber | |
Key features | Improved Neubauer Counting Chamber 0.1mm, Ruling allows full use of central squares, for Haemoglobin and Lucocyte counts. | |
Order code | 02C00616 |
Pattern | Malassez | |
Description | Counting Chamber | |
Key features | Malassez Counting Chamber 0.2mm, Standard French Ruling, for Haemoglobin and Lucocyte counts. | |
Options | Order code | |
Single Cell | 02C00601 | |
Double Cell | 02C00600 |
Pattern | Nageotte | |
Description | Counting Chamber | |
Key features | Nageotte Counting Chamber 0.5mm, for Urinary Cytology, Cephalo-Rachidien Fluid Analysis. | |
Order code | 02C00630 |
Pattern | Neubauer | |
Description | Counting Chamber | |
Key features | Neubauer Counting Chamber 0.1mm, modified Thoma Ruling, for Haemoglobin and Lucocyte counts. | |
Options | Order code | |
Single Cell | 02C00611 | |
Double Cell | 02C00610 |
Pattern | Thoma | |
Description | Counting Chamber | |
Key features | Thoma Counting Chamber 0.1mm, Standard German Ruling, for Haemoglobin and Lucocyte counts. | |
Options | Order code | |
Single Cell | 02C00606 | |
Double Cell | 02C00605 |