Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd. 產品服務專線:04-27080265

OptiScan Motorized Stage System for Upright Microscope | Prior Scientific

ES111 经济型显微镜电动载物台

XY Axis Motorized Stepper Stage For Microscope Automation


The ES111 OptiScan stage for upright microscopes offers the optimum compromise between price and performance.

The ES111 has been designed to utilise the range of specimen holders from Prior’s ProScan stages.

This enables examination of the widest range of specimen types including glass slides, multi-well plates, Petri-dishes and polished metallurgical samples.

Key features

  • Suitable for most major brand microscopes.
  • 5µm or better repeatability
  • Economic and robust
  • Wide range of sample holders.


Uni-Directional Repeatability * Step Size Recomended speed Max Travel Range Weight Lead screw pitch Motor Type(SPR) Encoders
ES111 5 um Default 1 um 8 mm/s 225 x 75 mm 2.5kg 1mm 400 No
Minimum 0.01 um

Requires the use of an OptiScan II or above controller and are based on Prior method of testing.
*Using a Prior OptiScan controller with backlash correction enabled, all repeatability is Uni-directional.
**S.P.R: Full steps per revolution of motor.

Product Datasheet



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